Response: The Subtleties of Color

This series on color lays out three important lessons I inherently already knew, but maybe wouldn’t have been able to articulate myself: the discrepancies of how we perceive color in the physical world compared to digital screens and how to translate these values; the components of color to focus…

Poor Form: Response

I think there’s a couple messages central to Healy’s writing. First: a successful piece of information design or data visualization must consider the audience specifically, and human perception more broadly. Healy writes that “An image intended for an audience of experts reading a professional journal may not be…

Nothing But a Number [week 2]

I'm focusing on my poster from last Wednesday, from a FiveThirtyEight article titled "Our Guide To The Exuberant Nonsense Of College Fight Songs." The number is not significant, which is what I like about it; it's a chance to explain a concept something no one ever really thinks about, but…

7 Numbers

WednesdayTake-rate study of Uber and Lyft drivers, found on FiveThirtyEight's "Significant Digits For Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019." Original study conducted by Jalopnik. Thursday35 Years of American Death, also from FiveThirtyEight. My number is the county with the highest mortality rate, Union County Florida compared with the lowest #. FridayFrom,…

Trees & Graphs

Trees are nothing more than restricted types of graphs, just with many more rules to follow. A tree will always be a graph, but not all graphs will be trees.Trees always have a root node and follow a simple parent-child relationship.A tree diagram or graph is best used…