A study published on Science Daily found a significant increase in the number of online search queries for "insomnia" in 2020, when governments across the U.S. and around the world implemented stay-at-home orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show there were 2.77 million Google searches for insomnia in the U.S. for the first five months of 2020, anincrease of 58% compared with the same period from the previous three years.
Pizza Hut unveils new handcrafted Detroit-Style pizza nationwide. It is a pie which has been dubbed “a work of pizza art.” It's topped with 32 slices of regular pepperoni and another 48 slices of crispy cupped pepperoni, which crisp up in the oven and provide a crunchy texture and zesty flavor. Pizza Hut says, “for those of you keeping track, that's a whopping 80 slices of pepperoni on one pizza".
Over the past three decades, the rate of deforestation has slowed, but experts say it isn't fast enough, given the vital role forests play in curbing global warming. In 2015-20 the annual deforestation rate was 10 million hectares (39,000 square miles, or about the size of Iceland), compared to 12 million hectares (46,000 square miles) in the previous five years.
Face recognition algorithms performed the worst on darker-skinned females, with error rates up to 34% higher than for lighter-skinned males
Over the past week, the sea ice has now increased from last week by a slightly higher rate of 3.01% from the level on 01/14/2021 of 13.399 M km2 to 13.753 M km2. The Arctic sea ice increase is still building, but slowly.