parallel-coordinate plots & star plots

hello !

liner parallel coordinates 

Linear parallel coordinates are used for multidimensional data. Each element has a specific value on each individual dimension.

radial parallel coordinates
radial parallel coordinates

Radial parallel coordinates are similar to linear parallel coordinates. Here, the dots representing values are linked together to form a shape. Usually it shows multiple records of data.

star plot

Star plots are similar to radial parallel coordinates but they only have a single record of data rather than multiple.

These charts do not require calculation when put together. Dimensions are more important to categorize here.

Values are translated into position and orientation, which form shapes when connected.

Good examples:

Clean and simple. Colors are helpful.

Clean and organized
Clean and organized. it's missing some elements to fully comprehend the chart.

Less good examples:

Very messy. It's difficult to pinpoint one specific data. 
It's very complicated. Difficult to recognize which is which because the color of each data is the same
It's so complicated that the lines overlap too much and become a solid shape.