Reading 2 - Subtleties of Color

The blog explores the problem of color in data visualization, when most often a color palette is picked out with free whims and contaminates the data set. One interesting point in the beginning of the blog is the inaccuracy of human's perception of color with the computer generated gradient. It…

Final Project List

Film visualization – Éric Rohmer's Tales of the Four Seasons Celestial data visualization - Past and Future 50 years of Sky, 1970-2070Emotion visualization - twitter keyword data set within 2020New York City wild life (looking at Citizen app's alert involving wild life)Bechdel test on past 10 years film (more defined…

Final Posters

Title: Gender Discount in art world The graph  shows that there is an almost equal gender distribution in working artists, but women artists experience a reduction of 47.6% of works' price in auction compared to men artists. The data here first shows the gender distribution is almost equal in…

Reading 1 - Kierann Healy

There are 3 possible aspects contribute to the badness of a piece of data visualization discussed in the reading. They are aesthetic, substantive, and perceptual. The aesthetic parts is mainly about finding the balance between data to ink ratio, meaning the relationship between data and design elements. Excessive and content-free…

7 Numbers

TuesdayNumber of people with last name Yuan buried in the Green-Wood Cemetery. Each is visualized through their burial types. WednesdayAn old prophecy says the kingdom will fall if less than 6 ravens are kept in the tower of London. New York Times article mentions a raven has been missing…

Trees & Graphs

Tree is a type of data visualization that shows hierarchical data. Typically, the graphs starts with one main branch and expands out to datas pre-organized in the sub categories. The graph a type of tree graphs where we can see several branches would connect back to themselves. Tree and graph…