The Subtleties of Color

The three different types of datasets discussed are sequential, divergent, and qualitative. The series of posts does a great job with analyzing the correct color palettes to use in each situation. When used correctly, color has the ability to enhance quality, aid storytelling, and draw a viewer in. How does…

Nothing but a Number Posters

This visualization depicts daily coffee consumption versus daily tea consumption in the United States as seen in comparison with cups of tea and coffee consumed worldwide in a day. Data for coffee consumption came from Food Editorial Co. Data for tea consumption came from YourBestDigs. These visualization attempt to utilize…

Julia Grippo

The introductory chapter of Healy’s Data Visualization for Social Science, narrates the importance of data visualization. The chapter explores good and bad uses of data visualization in an attempt to demonstrate the overall uses and applications of data visualization. I believe that Healy opens up with a beautiful interpretation…

7 Numbers

TuesdayAccording to the NY Times coronavirus report for January 26th, 19.9 million Americans have received at least 1 out of the 2 coronavirus shot doses. The US population currently stands at 328.2 million. By doing a quick equation, I was able to find out that 19.9 million…

Line Graph

Describe your chosen visualization type in terms of the kinds of values it represents (e.g., fractions, integers, percentages, etc.) and the sorts of comparisons it enables or discourages.A line graph uses lines to connect data points that show quantitative values over a specified period (these are almost always…