Week 5


  • Right Twice a Day
    • Complete at least three representations of the current time (ignore days, weeks, moons, etc. for now) that develop on your sketches from last week.
      • This time everything must be done in code. Use the clock() function to access different attributes of the current time (a listing of its property names is included in the assignment).
      • Make sure each approach addresses hours, minutes, and seconds in such a way that the representation looks different over the course of a day, hour, and minute.
      • Start by duplicating your project folder three times and naming them clock-1, clock-2, and clock-3. Once you've completed each sketch, rename the folder with a more descriptive suffix (e.g., clock-1-radial-seconds)
    • Add three new sketches to your process folder that this time focus on representing at least two of the longer-term calendar variables (and for these you don't need to worry about incorporating the wall-clock time)
      • Each sketch should choose two or more calendar values to represent (e.g., day-of-week, day-of-month, month, moon, season, or year) and you should use a different retinal variable for each value (i.e., 6 different retinal variables across the 3 sketches)
      • Since calendar units use much more irregular values than clocks do, pay extra attention to the progress attributes provided by the clock() function and figure out how to map their 0–1 values into an appropriate range to use for drawing