7 Numbers


Of the many important reasons to worry about the thousands of fires raging in the world’s largest rainforest, oxygen supply is not one of them.


AAA conducted a separate survey on red light running and found that about one-third of drivers who responded admitted to having sped through a red light in the past month, despite the majority of respondents saying red light running represents a serious safety concern


Last year, violent crime against abortion clinics hit a record-high, according to the National Abortion Federation, a Washington D.C.-based abortion rights group. Providers reported 1,369 violent acts against their clinics in 2018, up from 1,081 in 2017


Trump's visit to Trump National marked the 289th day he has spent at a Trump property and the 227th day he has spent at one of his golf clubs as President


The entire island, 60 percent of the entire island is underwater.


the pinyon jay, whose population has plummeted 85 percent since 1970.


April found that 91% of farmers and farmworkers said financial issues are affecting their mental health. About 87% of those surveyed said they fear losing their farms.